Promoting Your Book

Working Together to Reach Your Audience

Our most effective promotions happen when we partner with enthusiastic book authors and editors like you.  In this section you'll find out not only about how we promote and market your book, along with how you can get involved and help your book reach as wide and audience as possible.

How can I promote my book?

There are many ways authors can promote their newly published books, but sometimes it may be difficult to know where to start. Here are some suggestions on how to get you started on your book self-promotion journey.  

Join our Author Affiliate Program

Do you have your own website? If the answer is yes, we have an exciting opportunity for you.

We are inviting authors who have their own websites to join our Affiliate Program on CJ Affiliate. Joining this program allows you to earn a commission on any sales coming from traffic you drive to via your own website.

For more information about the program, please email us at r[email protected]

Leverage your Social Networks

Social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are great tools to engage users, share free content, and generate interest in your book. There are a number of way you as a book author or editor, can help to promote you book using social media, including:

  • Announce on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites – including academic-based ones like ResearchGate,, ORCID, and ResearcherID – that your book is publishing.
  • Link to you book's landing page when mentioning your book on social media.
  • Mention any blog posts related to your book.
  • Use hashtags that are applicable to the book's themes.
  • Post about events you are attending.

For more information on how to make the most of your social media networks, please download our free resources on social media, Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn, which are all packed full of useful hints and tips.

Distribute book flyers

If you would like an electronic PDF flyer for your book to share with colleagues and relevant networks we would be more than happy to provide you with one.

Here’s how we suggest your use this flyer:

  • Distribute your flyers to you colleagues, business associates, librarians, and coworkers who might be interested in using your book to further their research or enhance their library.
  • If your book is an edited volume, send copies of the flyer to your contributors so that they can distribute it to their networks as well.
  • If you go to conferences, whether attending or speaking, take copies of your flyer with you and distribute it to audiences.

To request a flyer, please complete our short flyer request form by clicking the button below. 

Request flyers

Event/Conference Support

To boost your profile at events and conferences we can provide you with marketing materials, like discounted book flyers, to support your networking activities. You can request event marketing materials by filling out our author event support request form by clicking on the button below.

Request event support

Create an Amazon Author Central Profile

While Routledge ensures your title appears on and is listed correctly, you can help increase visibility and improve sales for your book by setting up an Amazon Author Central Page, which allows you to collect all your titles in one place and post additional information about you and your work.

Our authors have found this page to be helpful in marketing their books, but only authors are allowed to set up their pages—so only you can do this.

To get started, register with Amazon's Author Central to create your page.

You might also want to encourage your colleagues and peers to go to Amazon, give your book the stars it deserves, and write comments on their thoughts after reading your book. Comments are very helpful to individuals when considering a purchase, so encourage comments that state what the book provides for the reader.