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Oxidative Stress and Disease

About the Series

Oxidative stress is an underlying factor in health and disease. In this series of books, the importance of oxidative stress and disease associated with organ systems is highlighted by exploring the scientific evidence and the clinical applications of this knowledge. This series is intended for researchers in the basic biomedical sciences and clinicians.


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38 Series Titles

Per Page

The Dynamic Nature of Mitochondria from Ultrastructure to Health and Disease

The Dynamic Nature of Mitochondria: from Ultrastructure to Health and Disease

1st Edition


Edited By Andreas S. Reichert
April 15, 2024

Mitochondrial research has exploded over the last ~150 years. This book gives an amazing view on a conceptual change in our understanding of mitochondrial biology. It becomes clear that mitochondria are extremely dynamic in nature controlling life at multiple levels. Mitochondria rule energy ...

Environmental Stressors and OxInflammatory Tissues Responses

Environmental Stressors and OxInflammatory Tissues Responses

1st Edition


Edited By Giuseppe Valacchi, Andreas Daiber
December 06, 2023

Environmental risk factors – noise, air pollution, chemical agents, and ultraviolet radiation –  impact human health by contributing to the onset and progression of noncommunicable diseases. Accordingly, there is need for preclinical and clinical studies and comprehensive summary of major ...

Peroxiporins Redox Signal Mediators In and Between Cells

Peroxiporins: Redox Signal Mediators In and Between Cells

1st Edition

Edited By Iria Medraño-Fernandez, Gerd Patrick Bienert, Roberto Sitia
October 11, 2023

To produce energy, aerobic organisms transform oxygen molecules into water. This reductive mechanism yields toxic radical intermediates, collectively known as reactive oxygen species (ROS). Paradoxically, these physiological processes entail the production of potentially damaging species. Evolution...

Physiological Consequences of Brain Insulin Action

Physiological Consequences of Brain Insulin Action

1st Edition

Edited By André Kleinridders
September 06, 2022

The brain is crucial for the regulation of whole-body metabolism and behavior. The pancreas-derived hormone insulin modulates brain function and affects energy metabolism as well as cognition. This is partially achieved by modulating several types of brain cell populations including those relevant ...

Oxidative Eustress in Exercise Physiology

Oxidative Eustress in Exercise Physiology

1st Edition

Edited By James N. Cobley, Gareth W. Davison
June 10, 2022

Oxidative Eustress in Exercise Physiology unravels key physiological responses and adaptations to different redox-regulated exercise paradigms at the cell, tissue, and whole-body level in model systems and humans in health and disease. While the mechanistic details are still unclear, key ...

Proteostasis and Proteolysis

Proteostasis and Proteolysis

1st Edition

Edited By Niki Chondrogianni, Elah Pick, Anna Gioran
November 23, 2021

Proteostasis integrates biological pathways controlling biogenesis, trafficking, folding, and degradation of proteins. This book focuses on two protein breakdown/degradation processes (proteolysis), which are part of a normally functioning proteostatic system: the ubiquitin-proteasome system and ...

Redox Regulation of Differentiation and De-differentiation

Redox Regulation of Differentiation and De-differentiation

1st Edition

Edited By Carsten Berndt, Christopher Lillig
October 14, 2021

Cell differentiation and the development of multicellular organisms are processes of self-assembly, controlled and driven by signaling molecules and cascades including redox regulation. These reactions may have provided the energy for the first metabolic steps in the evolution of life. Today, redox...

Mammalian Heme Peroxidases Diverse Roles in Health and Disease

Mammalian Heme Peroxidases: Diverse Roles in Health and Disease

1st Edition

Edited By Clare Hawkins, William M Nauseef
October 08, 2021

Mammalian heme peroxidase enzymes play a critical role in innate immune responses and disease prevention. The formation of potent chemical oxidants is essential to this protective physiologic activity in immunity. Although highly beneficial in the context of immune defense, it is now well ...

Cancer and Vitamin C

Cancer and Vitamin C

1st Edition

Edited By Qi Chen, Margreet C M Vissers
February 12, 2020

Vitamin C may offer significant therapeutic benefits in the treatment of cancer. This book includes chapters by a group of leading scientific researchers documenting the ways cancer can be affected by high doses of ascorbate. After an initial chapter providing a historical perspective, subsequent ...

Vitamin C New Biochemical and Functional Insights

Vitamin C: New Biochemical and Functional Insights

1st Edition

Edited By Qi Chen, Margreet C M Vissers
February 04, 2020

Vitamin C holds a unique place in scientific and cultural history. In this book, a group of leading scientific researchers describe new insights into the myriad ways vitamin C is employed during normal physiological functioning. In addition, the text provides an extensive overview of the following:...



1st Edition

Edited By Leopold Flohe
October 09, 2018

This is the first serious attempt to synthesize all that became known of glutathione over the last three decades. The book contains an update of glutathione biosynthesis with special emphasis on its regulation in adaptive stress responses. Other chapters review glutathione transport systems and ...

Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Health and Disease

Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Health and Disease

1st Edition

Edited By Margreet C M Vissers, Mark Hampton, Anthony J. Kettle
November 16, 2017

Much of the biology of oxidative stress and oxidative signalling centres on the generation and handling of hydrogen peroxide. The overall aim for this book would be to provide an insightful and useful forum to assist with the understanding of the relevance of hydrogen peroxide generation and how ...

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